Last Christmas, my two-and-a-half year old was enjoying learning to use crayons, stamps, glitter glue... and just all the things. As you can imagine at that age, it's lots of circles and scribbles..BUT I wanted to do a manageable craft with him for Christmas. Here's what I came up with:
Child decorated gift tags!
I found these awesome little gift tags which came in a package of 150. I liked them because they were generic and we could use them for birthdays, valentines day and more.
I also bought Christmas stamps, glitter glue and some holiday stickers. I let him decorate a whole bunch, as many as he wanted, and how ever he wanted. Once the tags dried out (from the massive glitter glue clumps), I added the "to" and "from" and stuck them on the presents.
These cluttered little tags warmed the hearts of his grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
I brought everything out this year and wondered if he would still be interested and to my delight he was! His decorating is getting slightly more sophisticated and I imagine throughout the years it will only get better and better. I love this little tradition and might keep one of his decorated tags in the memory box each year to see how his crafting develops.
I love that we are never without gift tags since we can always use crayons, or a new set of themed stickers to decorate for any occasion :).